Inteligent*Vitamin*C offers Doctors and Retailers 2 outstanding products at a 50% discount. These products are not available directly to our customers on autoship for less than retail. Ask about our dropship program directly to patients.
The UltraFINE™ L-Ascorbic Acid as Quali-C®
Ultra-Fine Vitamin C Powder (225 g)
The China-Free PANACEA True-Liposomal Vitamin C ™ (Quali-C® >98% Encapsulated Sunflower-based Liposomes. (No Soy))
(30 servings )
Suggested Retail $60
The UltraFINE™ L-Ascorbic Acid as Quali-C®
Ultra-Fine Vitamin C Powder (225 g)
Suggested Retail $50
The China-Free Liposomal Vitamin C ™ (Quali-C® >98% Encapsulated Sunflower-based Liposomes. (No Soy))
(30 servings )Product Info
*** Both products are available in cases of 12 jars at wholesale (Approx 50% off) for qualified physicians and retail stores. Call 800-894-9025 for current wholesale pricing and/or to place an order.
UltraFINE™ L-Ascorbic Acid
World’s Finest (Ultra-Fine) China-Free
Vitamin C Powder (200 g)

Vitamin C Foundation Approved®
- Feb 22, 2013Thank you for the ultrafine Quali-C. I didn’t think it was possible to have a Vitamin C powder that dissolves as quickly and easily as the ultrafine product. My children think that it is also less sour, which has made it easier to make sure they are getting enough each day.Thanks again,Mark L.
Physicians prescribe UltraFINE™ to achieve high ascorbic acid blood levels. Ascorbic acid is vitamin C. Humans lack the capacity to make this molecule and must obtain it in their diet. Pure ascorbic acid is bio-identical to the vitamin C molecules that are made endogenously by most plants and animals.
UltraFINE™ Vitamin C is a unique ultrafine L-ascorbic acid powder that dissolves almost instantly in water and has almost no taste. Doctors familiar with this product tell us that the DSM ultra-fine grade of powder is better absorbed and more effective than other vitamin C powders.
- “I strongly recommend you sell ultrafine powder labeled as world finest. There is no problem in using DSM fine powder, but there is clear difference when you go mega dose with ultra-fine powder reaching more that 10 g a day. You can sell the fine powder or crystals, but they are second or third grade (larger) at least in terms of size of the granules of ascorbic acid. Those differences result in the difference in bowel tolerance doses, which Dr. Robert Cathcart, III, insisted as the ideal dose of oral megadose Vitamin C therapy to individuals.” – Byeong Keun Ha, M.D., Ph.D.
Our testing shows that it is among the most absorbable, and thus most bioavailable form of ascorbic acid on the market.
Generally, vitamin C can be purchased as either L-Ascorbic acid, a weak acid, or as Sodium L-Ascorbate. Ascorbic acid is the most common form of the vitamin and was used and recommended for oral consumption by Linus Pauling. The late vitamin C expert Robert Cathcart III, MD, prescribed high-doses of vitamin C to thousands of patients. Doctor Cathcart found oral ascorbic acid to be twice as potent as sodium ascorbate and other ascorbate forms for many therapeutic applications.[*]. (Note: both both liposomal and intravenous vitamin C are administered as sodium ascorbates.)
UltraFINE™ is Highly Bioavailable Vitamin C
Vitamin C authors and experts Steve Hickey, PhD, and Hilary Roberts, PhD, explain that oral ascorbic acid (but not sodium ascorbate) enters the blood stream through the stomach lining[ * ] Our preliminary studies show that UltraFINE™ ascorbic acid rapidly enters the blood stream, with levels peaking between fifteen and twenty minutes after intake. Four grams of UltraFINE™ ascorbic acid powder produces a blood concentration of 40 mg/dl, or roughly 24 times the steady state maximum. (Note: The maximum steady state vitamin C level in human beings is 1.3 mg/dl (women) to 1.5 mg/dl (men))
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Sodium ascorbate, having further to travel through the gut, is released more slowly when ingested orally and a slighly larger dose (4.9 g) reaches a maximum of around 20 mg/dl or 13 times the steady state maximum. (See table 2.)
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- “I have found that vitamin C in the ascorbic acid form is the best form to take orally. I have been able to achieve what I call the ascorbate effect with only ascorbic acid by mouth. Mineral ascorbates by mouth, while being fine sources of vitamin C, do not seem to carry the same punch.” Robert Cathcart, III, MD (more)
UltraFINE™ is the Ultimate Vitamin C
UltraFINE™ is made entirely from the first branded vitamin C product and is guaranteed:
- NOT MADE IN CHINA. (UltraFINE-C™ powder is made entirely from Quali®-C***, manufactured in Europe by DSM nutritional products.)
- Finest grade of pure L-ascorbic acid (vitamin C) powder
- Dissolves instantly in fluids
- 100% corn free and gluten free
- Completely free of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs).
- Hypoallergenic
Finding Vitamin C that Isn’t Made in China Isn’t Easy
UltraFINE™ Vitamin C is not manufactured in China. Why don’t other vitamin C products tell you where they were manufactured? Because almost all vitamin C products on the market are made from inexpensive Chinese vitamin C! The new UltraFINE™ Vitamin C product is made entirely from highest-grade vitamin C manufactured in Europe. We use the finest powder (ultra-fine) of the highest-quality product on the market which has been trademarked as Quali-C***™ manufactured by DSM Nutritional products.
Why UltraFINE™ Vitamin C is the Right Choice for Patients

Physicians and their patients will notice the difference between UltraFINE™ ascorbic acid powder and other common vitamin C products.
An added benefit is that children often complain about the taste of their juice with added vitamin C. This product has almost no taste in the dosages suitable for children, making it very easy to add UltraFINE™ vitamin C to juice and other drinks. Your children and other loved ones will hardly notice they are getting their daily vitamin C requirement. As an important plus, everyone receives their daily requirement of this essential food in the most bioavailable form of l-ascorbic acid.
Vitamin C is an essential food required daily to prevent the nutritional deficiency disease scurvy. Based on the writings of two-time Nobel prize winning chemist Linus Pauling, the Vitamin C Foundation recommends that everyone take 3000 mg of vitamin C daily. (A lesser dosage of the highly bioavailable UltraFINE™ may provide an equivalent dosage, but this has yet to be scientifically demonstrated.)
Our press release .Scientific findings about the benefits of vitamin C are available for the lay public from the Vitamin C Foundation
Visit Inteligent*Vitamin*C to order.
Physicians and retail outlets may contact Inteligent*Vitamin*C Inc (800-894-9025) for wholesale pricing and to order.
Clinical Reports Solicited
ATTENTION DOCTORS: We are interested in clinical reports using DSM ultra-fine ascorbic acid. (We already have reports of therapeutic effects that have only been observed from an intravenous infusions of vitamin C.) If your practice is willing to help us study and quantify the effect of UltraFINE™ Vitamin C versus liposomal and/or intravenous sodium ascorbates please contact Owen Fonorow for details.
Note: Inteligent*Vitamin*C Inc offers a 100% money-back guarantee if not completely satisfied.
Quali-C***® is a registered trademark of DSM nutritional products.
Vitamin C Foundation Approbed® is a registered trademark of the non-profit Vitamin C Foundation.
UltraFINE™ and China-free Liposomal Vitamin C™ are trademarks of Inteligent*Vitamin*C Inc.
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